By use of this site and/or any of its materials, Users agree that they understand, accept, and agree to abide by the following Terms and Conditions (TOU, Terms of Use, TOS, or Terms of Service).
The User understands and accepts responsibility for every updated version of these Terms.
Definitions | General Usage | Graphics | Designs | Gallery
Linking | Direct Linking | Copyrights | Breach of TOS & Theft
- TJN refers to theJADEDnetwork.Com.
- Dragonrain.Com or Dragonrain.Com or DR or Dragonrain Productions or Dragon Rain. Dragonrain.Com was moved to TJN and all rights of Dragonrain.Com were transferred to TJN.
- Item(s) refer(s) to creations intended for the Use. For example, wallpapers under the Graphics section are Items.
- Linkware requires that a User link back to theJADEDnetwork when using designated Items.
- Direct Linking or Hot Linking is using any image from this site via its link on the internet.
General Usage 
General Usage policy applies to all areas of this website.
- Use of theJADEDnetwork content may not involve anything obscene, sexually explicit, offensive, derogatory, or anything illegal. The idea is to keep things PG-13.
- Use of theJADEDnetwork content may not be for commercial purposes in any way, shape, or form. theJADEDnetwork items are for personal usage only.
- Users may only use designated items listed under the Graphics, Designs, and Gallery sections of this website. Any other images or content contained anywhere
else on this website are to be used for viewing purposes only.
- TJN will not be held responsible for the manner, method, or for any uses intended of any and all content on this website.
- TJN guarantees no warranties and makes no promises and denies all implications as to the accuracy and or the integrity of any and all content on this website.
All content is here on a WYSIWYG bases - "What You See Is What You Get."
- Redistribution of any content on this site is prohibited. Breaching of this rule will result in my notifying the offender's host and have the offender's website removed.
Breaching this policy is strictly illegal, and will be treated as such.
Redistribution includes, but is not limited to:
- Displaying any content not meant to be used as a part of another website, i.e. displaying a wallpaper on any site other than TJN.
Wallpapers are only to be used as desktop wallpapers for a User's computer, or in any such related manner that can be categorized as "Personal" without, but not limited to, unauthorized redistribution, sale, or theft.
- Offering material made by theJADEDnetwork for download on any site other than TJN.
- Claiming credit for material made by TJN.
The only exception to this rule is if I, Jay Lee (aka Jade Lee), grant permission for a work to be displayed somewhere other than TJN.
This permission is only valid if and only if permission is indicated where the work is displayed on this site. To request such permission, please send an email containing the details of the request, and the manner(s) of use(s) intended.
- Abuse of any user-interactive forms of communication available on theJADEDnetwork can and will result in a ban on the User's IP Address.
- TJN is not to be held for any liability charges, implied or otherwise, for any links leading anywhere outside of TJN. This includes, but is not limited to, Google Advertisements, Link Exchanges, and Affiliates.
- TJN makes no claims and holds no obligations over any of the content, nor any implications, of any third-party advertisements displayed on TJN.
- All items displayed under the Graphics section] are strictly linkware material. This means that if any of it is put on public display (including websites) there must be a legible link back to Wallpapers may not be redistributed or put on publig display (including websites) in any way shape or form.
- Graphics items may not be used to create other pieces of work. For example, wallpapers may not be used as part of layout designs.
- Graphics items may only be used for the purpose for which they are made. For example, wallpapers may only be used as desktop wallpapers and not as banners or parts of layouts.
- Graphics items may not be edited or changed in any way.
- Graphics items may not be redistributed or sold in any way, shape or form.
- Credit links or signatures are to be left as is. Modifying or deleting these credits will be considered a conscious act of theft.
- Codes may not be broken apart and/or used for other works. Breaching this will be considered a conscious act of theft.
- Gallery items may be used at the User's own risk.
- Gallery items are not Linkware, but linking back is appreciated.
- Redistribution of Gallery items is prohibited.
- Users of theJADEDnetwork items are required to link back to TJN. "Link back" means keeping the words "By theJADEDnetwork.Com" easily accessible and perfectly legible wherever my graphics are being used.
- Anything used with permission must be credited with a link back to
Direct Linking 
- Users may not direct link any content from this website. Direct Linking is illegal. It steals bandwidth paid for by someone else.
- The only exception to this rule is for the Blogs located in the Graphics section of this website. Use only the codes given - Users may not obtain image URLs from theJADEDnetwork.Com.
- Direct Linking has been disabled on this website. It is fruitless to try direct linking anyway.
- All the content on this site, unless stated otherwise, is copyrighted to TJN. Users may only use the indicated permission-granted material on this TJN. All codes, text, site layout of theJADEDnetwork are the legal property of TJN. Any form of thievery, unauthorized use, derivation, selling, and/or any form of illegal activity using theJADEDnetwork resources and/or materials is strictly prohibited.
- All the images displayed under Reviews and Gallery are legal through the Fair Use act.
- All the original images used to make those derivative works are copyrighted to their respective rights holders. theJADEDnetwork denies any claim of ownership of those original images. No copyright infringement is intended or implied.
- All derivative work displayed on this site is protected by copyright laws and international treaty provisions. Users acknowledge that no title to the intellectual property in the derivative work is transferred to them.
- If you have any legal documents from the copyright holders indicating that you have exclusive use of any images shown on this site, and they hold merit after our review of them, the specified images will be removed from TJN.
- TJN began as a collective of sites, including the subdomains and Content signed under those domains are also subject to the theJADEDnetwork Terms of Use.
Breach of TOS & Theft 
- Should a User breach the theJADEDnetwork Terms & Conditions, the User relinquishes the privilege of using TJN's items. Use of TJN's items is not a right.
- Acts of Theft require that a User provide compensation to TJN, as theJADEDnetwork deems fair and proper.
- Compensation includes, but is not limited to, infringement notification to a offending website's host and its eventual removal.
Last Updated 05.10.2010