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The Main Characters

Yuri Ishtar
The heroine of the story. From her life in the modern world until she finds herself among the royal family of the Hittite Empire, she maintains a pure sense of justice, an appreciation for life, and a natural skill to help Kail lead his people. She often gets critiqued for her boyishness (dressing up in boy clothes over the elegant gowns sent to her from Prince Kail), and is not known to possess any stereotypical princess-like characteristics. Rather, she is known as "...a princess from a far land...with black hair and black eyes...and she an unusual beauty that attracts everyone to her...and everyone knows Kail is in love with her."

Kail Mursili II
At first glance a playboy prince. At second glance, someone who's actually a genius leader helping behind the scenes. And at third glance...he becomes the leader of the Hittite Empire, and crazy in love with Yuri.
In contrast with Yuri, Kail does possess many stereotypical princely attributes - in looks, demeanor, authority, a playboy outlook (even though it's a facade, it's still a part of his reputation), and one who is regarded with high expectations.