Monday, November 2, 2009 | Posted by Jay
Meet Mochi! My puppy!! ♥♥♥
We actually got him the day before my birthday from a guy who works for my mom. He was already 3 months old at the time, and still just a tiny little runt. I figured it was about time I introduced my furry little friend here XD.
Age: Almost 2 years old
Type: Mostly toy poodle
Color: Usually white
Favorite Food: Ice cream (he eats mochi ice cream too)
Hobbies: Going "Buh-byes"
Portrait-style ("I'm a Hunk" pose)

Play with me!

Sleeping in my bed

He actually ruined my sheets that morning (2am, mind you) so my bed was naked for most of that day. He didn't seem to mind though.
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AWWWW your dog is so cute~ especially in that second picture *^^*