Saturday, October 24, 2009 | Posted by Jay
I had a root canal early this week (if you don't know what that is, it's where you pay hundreds of $$ so the dentist can dig out your infected nerves), and was prescribed some painkiller medication to deal with it. It works like a charm, except it also makes me woozy and turns my gray matter into mush.
...Not sleepy...not sleepy....
Just like this scene in Tokyo Crazy Paradise >D
Sandaime ISN'T SLEEPY!

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Ug, I bet those things hurt. I went in thinking I was going to get one when the dentist decided right then that I didn't need and refilled my cavity.
My sister had one and so has my mother and both of them were not happy people afterwords.
Hope the pain goes away quickly!
You got off lucky!!
The pain's fading by the day, thx for the well-wishes :).