Ongaku @ Thursday, January 25, 2007 -- 10:45 pm
oohhh nice xD I need to do the same, get rid of cutenews, at least for my blog but I don't want to lose all my old posts, and trying to save them all would be a pain. I guess some random day I won't care to lose them and I will use a different blogging system. But yeah, congrats on getting it done. xD
Ryan @ Monday, January 22, 2007 -- 5:07 pm
Wow! Congrats on all the new stuff! It seems like so much! :D
I hope everything goes well. It must be exciting using your own script. XP
- Ryan
Fiona @ Saturday, January 20, 2007 -- 10:04 pm
Whoo~ New system! And I like the format you used. :)
Server switches (not that I've ever had one) with difficulties suck (just because your site is just... dead). Congrulations!
Theresa @ Friday, January 19, 2007 -- 10:35 pm
Haha... yay! Congrats with your first ever blogging script! :D What do you call it?
And belated happy holidays to you. ^___^
Mei Zhu @ Thursday, January 18, 2007 -- 5:02 pm
Congrats on coding the new blogging system! :3 I wish I could code like that... [and congrats on the new affiliates too!]