Saturday, April 14, 2007 | Posted by Jay
The Big 20I celebrated my 20th birthday last month with my family (sis included - she came home for Spring Break =D ). It was pretty sweet actually.
I was working overtime, trying to finish a project, and basically worked until it was past midnight. I looked up from my half-finished work and was like "Oh. Damn. I'm old now =_=."
Kiwi (who was also awake for some reason) was the first to wish me a happy bday, and proudly presented me with a gigantic baby bottle (intended to be an ironic joke) filled with marshmallow candy snacks (ironic joke forgiven). I was on hyper mode for the next two hours.
After that the day was pretty much a blur. The rest of the celebration happened over dinner (all-you-can-eat QUALITY SUSHI!!!). I'm getting hungry just remembering it =_=.
My stepdad played a prank on me - had a friend call my cell under the pretense of a traffic officer from my uni. He said that I had about $800 in fees for some cited speeding and bad parking (a memento I never seemed to shake off after driving lessons with my stepdad) and that I would need to come in to take care of that balance by the next day. They had a good laugh out of that.
March of the Spoons!On April Fool's day, Kiwi and I decided to play a prank on our parents. With an army of spoons demanding their surrender at 6am in the morning.
It was random. Unheard of. And didn't make any real sense.
But it was utterly hilarious.
The night before April Fool's day we drew faces on the backs of white plastic spoons, the angrier ones reserved for commanders dressed in red paper capes (like the 300 Spartans movie!), and we chose one of those super-dramatic, loud drums-and-opera music tracks from an Esca Flowne OST. We set the spoons up on blocks of styrofoam so that it looked like battalions of angry spoons were going to tear down the doors to the master bedroom, and we had the army music playing on repeat mode, as loud as my speakers could go (so that you could FEEL the drums going underneath the carpet).
Even with all this drama going on outside their doors, it took them a while to come out (we ended up doing it at 8-9am since we woke up late). Ah well. Their reactions were worth it (my mom laughed while my stepdad was struck speechless =p).
I Got Sick...somewhere in the middle of all that hubbub. Apparently I'd been living on expired orange juice and bad iced tea for a week (hence the gorgeous
wallpaper that came of it). I think I'm still getting over it ><.
I'm Training AgainI took Tae Kwon Do for two years...and dropped it for another two years. And now I've decided to pick it up again.
And I've been in pain since I made that decision.
Unfortunately, my schedule doesn't allow me room for the traditional classes. So in place of that I'm doing the more sports-oriented version for now.
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Who is behind TJN?

My name is Jay Lee, and I have traveled to the East Coast of the United States, studied in Kyoto, Japan for a time, and currently live in Southern California.
My preferred art mediums include: digital on adobe products, corel, web; fine on oil-on-canvas or charcoal; photography in black and white, with a focus on portraiture and music; and classical music on piano.
I work as a graphic designer and web developer with a primary interest in marketing, advertising, and business.
Read more about Jay