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Forest Spirit
Monday, June 7 2010 @ 12:40 AM
Made for Round 3 of MT Knockout 2010: Nonhuman focus, Art Nouveau style
"If they’re all art nouveau, it all boils down to what object you choose to feature, how you do it, and how creatively you do it. I hope that gives you all some insight into why I chose such a distinctive yet broad “style†and why I had to make the twist by featuring a non human. Be creative, and go crazy!"
For a while now I've seen a good handful of Art Nouveau works on AP and MT, but then I'd never actually tried out the style myself. Guess this was a prime opportunity? XD
Definitely a rigid style, with several key rules you have to follow. In an attempt to understand those rules, I googled a bit to check out some traditional Art Nouveau stuff besides checking the wall examples kuroimisa suggested. I think I got it down (I hope?).
I had literally no idea what to do composition-wise at first. So I waited and waited until the night of the deadline (I do NOT want to do that again =_=)...and just grabbed a scan I liked (of a nonhuman) and started vectoring in Illustrator. Everything you see is kind of a random tagging of whatever I felt would "fit" into what was looking like an origami, patterns, subjects-morphing kinda theme.
Also, I just wanted to note how friggen scary it was when Illustrator crashed on me and corrupted my file in the process, forcing me to spend a good 1-2 hours searching for a way to recover it.
It's too bad I didn't get to see an entry from dslassey (was kinda looking forward to it too ><). But kudos to Phoenix for stepping in as my wildcard opponent! ^o^/
// end ramble.
I'm so glad this is up on the site *u* been looking for it after I saw the round entries.
OTL i still have no clue what art nouveau is even.
it seems like you're getting really good at finishing things last minute and do a good job at it o3o
Yay! I really wanted to see this up close. It's very pretty. Good luck on the rest of the competition! Will be cheering you guys on. :P