Ongaku @ Wednesday, October 17, 2007 -- 5:22 pm
My sister would cringe at the mention of your worn out shoes. She is a tennis player and she usually has to change her shoes every 6 months or something. Crazy ne? She is lucky that she use to get expensive pairs for free because of her private coach.
I haven't been working out but for some reason the top part of my legs are hurting like hell today. I have almost kissed floor because of it. -_-
As for Drama's I would recommend a korean one called 'Full House' It has Bi aka Rain as the main star, if you don't know who that is he is a famous singer.
There is also My Girl, which is okay but the ending gets a little too drawn out. There is a sad one called A million stars fall from the sky, if you want to see something depressing. I know of a few others but those are the two I can remember at the moment.
I'm in the middle of class so I better get going now. It's nice to see a new blog entry from you, later!
Hehe...I do need to get back into the blogging world more often XD. Thanks for the drama suggestions!
Lily @ Sunday, October 14, 2007 -- 8:45 am
whoa!! this is slightly a new layout! whooo.. lol haha so hows it been?
ahhh watching hanakimi?? i finished that series.. umm.. uhh.. when it ended airing?? lol haha
romantic princess and x-family are the new ones airing.. dude you just HAVE to see romantic princess! (you'll find it on youtube if crunchyroll doesn't have it)
and for tennis, there is prince of tennis.. hehe
Ooh two new series to try XD. I've already watched PoT (had a lot of recommendations for that one). Thanks!
Theresa @ Friday, October 12, 2007 -- 10:50 pm
Lol~ Sounds like you're a lot into tennis. :P anyways, i've already watched hana yori dango... but for the whole, i much rather watch korean or chinese dramas though... but i'm more on movies so yea. @__@ ohoh~ have you tried watching Hana Kimi? the chinese drama one?
Nope, haven't tried that version yet - will add it to the list!
Tammy @ Tuesday, September 25, 2007 -- 8:53 pm
Man I've been meaning to comment here... I must say that the summer has made me into a drama addict as well. If you want to see what kind of drama, I could recommend you to a number of J-dramas since I haven't watched any K-dramas yet. Although, Crystal has mentioned to watch Coffee Prince, and from the bits and pieces I've seen from my sister watching it, it's good XD. I think it's more like what are you looking for in a drama. I'd really recommend Nodame Cantabile but that has hints of romance too (though the focus is on music)
Coffee Prince is a title that makes me curious for sure xp
Crystal @ Saturday, September 22, 2007 -- 6:18 pm
If you'll give Korean dramas a try, I'd go for Coffee Prince. It's funny and witty at the same time. It had me waiting for Monday and Tuesday nights for two months. :) (Had to put my 2 cents in! I'm a drama-addict--Korean and Japanese alike!)
Thanks for your 2 cents Crystal! I'll be checking those out tonight XD.