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AP Clash of the Wallers 2010
Wednesday, June 2 2010 @ 7:44 AM
AP Clash of the Wallers 2010!!
Flyin and I are hosting/sponsoring a big AP competition this summer, idea taken after the late Clash of the Titans movie >D.
My take on this theme was Greek style + Japanese style fusion. I actually skimmed through some museum websites showing Greek pottery art, and followed their general color scheme and art-nouveau type style (yeah, also inspired by the last MT theme, which I can't wait to show you guys too XD). Then added a bunch of Japanese origami designs (we all love pretty kimonos on pretty men >P).
This is also my messiest vector EVAR. AND I LOVED IT. Nothing more fun than breaking down barriers +w+.
I'd been working on this wall since the weekend actually, and didn't get much chance to finish until last night and early at dawn this morning +_+.
So here's the promo wall for the biggest comp since Battlegrounds!! / o /
Note: Yeah, I just noticed I typed in "AP Clash of the Titans" instead of "Clash of the WALLERS" on that wall...I think it'll live =_='' *doesn't wanna re-open that illustrator file TToTT*
Contest rules + details:
Sign up:
one of the greatest "promo" walls i have ever seen.
ZOMG, why the hell is this so effin' hot?!
The fusion of styles is STUNNING... and inspiring. I'm scared to find out what you made for MTK haha, I might topple over from excitement >xD