ス, す
Japanese | Romaji* | English | Explanation |
スッ, すっ |
su | (1) *pass* *pass by* *ignore* *whoosh*; (2) *pass*; (3) *breathe in*; (4) *rain*; (5) *slow movement*; (6) *hand* *crinkle*; (7) *unravel*; (8) *sst*; (9) *lean in* *lean*; (10) *reach* *pull*; (11) *step* *steps in* |
(1) To walk straight past someone; (2) To put/pass something along; (3) Compare to *fu* (breathe out); (5) Ex. Cloth slowly slipping off, someone moving smoothly; (6) To hand over a sheet of paper to someone; (7) Ex. Unraveling a scroll; (8) Smooth, covert movement; (9) Smooth, looking-over-someone's-shoulder type covert movement; (10) To grab something, to hand over something Tags: sut |
ス, す |
su | (1) *lift*; (2) *reach*; (3) *slide* *steps in*; (4) *sst* *glare*; (5) *inhale* *breath* *fuu* |
(3) A smooth, almost covert move; (4) SFX for a deadly shift in mood, such as suddenly looking at something or someone with deadly force; (5) SFX for breathing, using the Japanese phrase "to smoke" or 「タバコをすう」 |
* Organized by Romaji, in alphabetical order
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